Junior Bucks |
River View Farm Eric (Registration Pending)
- Blue Eyes -
DOB: 5/17/2014
Sire: Moon Spinner ZEN Kamal (D-52220)
(Springs Run Haiku's Zen X Moon Spinner's Fauna Rose)
Dam: KeepEmGoing Little Isabella (D-50454)
(Wooly Dog Down Yahoo X Only Kidding RR HopscotchatKEG)
Pedigree Record
Breeding History |
River View Farm Evan (D-72704)
- Brown Eyes -
DOB: 5/2/2014
Sire: River View Farm Cato (D-63849)
(Moon Spinner's Zen Kamal X KeepEmGoing Little Isabella)
Dam: Moon Spinner's ZB Neema (D-57179)
(Moon Spinner's Zen Bali X Moon Spinner's Fauna Rose)
Pedigree Record
Breeding History |
Bucks |
River View Farm Caleb (D-63850)
-Blue Eyes-
DOB: 4/30/12
Sire: Moon Spinner ZEN Kamal (D-52220)
(Springs Run Haiku's Zen X Moon Spinner's Fauna Rose)
Dam: KeepEmGoing Little Isabella (D-50454)
(Wooly Dog Down Yahoo X Only Kidding RR HopscotchatKEG)
Breeding History:
2013 Kids:
2 Blue eyed wethers - Pari (4/16/13)
2014 Kids:
1 Blue eyed buck - Darla (4/30/14)
Photo courtesy of Moon Spinner
New Moon FP Tonto (D-47602) (In Memorium)
- Blue Eyes-
Sire: KACO Yellow Rose Feature Page (D-36333)
(Kaapio Acres KK Chief Justice X Piddlin Acres Thunder's Fringe G+)
Dam: Kaapio Acres KK Syrah (D-23264)
(MCH Rosasharn Tom's Keiki Kane X Gay-Mor's RA Nesselrode *D AR1649)
Tonto was an exceptional animal, nice level and extremely affectionate and easy to handle. He has produced some wonderful kids.
Pedigree Record
Breeding History:
2010 Kids:
1 Blue eyed wether, 1 Doe - Darla(4/12/10)
2011 Kids:
1 wether, 2 Does - Darla(4/12/11)
2012 Kids:
1 Doeling "C4" - Amisha (Blue eyed, wattles, buckskin color)
1 Doeling "C5" - Amisha (Brown eyed, buckskin color)
1 Wether "C6" - Darla (Blue eyed, wattles, buckskin color)
1 Doeling "C7" - Darla (Brown eyed, wattles, buckskin color)
Photo courtesy of Moon Spinner
Moon Spinner's Zen Kamal (D-52220)
- Brown Eyes-
DOB: 4/9/2010
Sire: Springs Run Haiku's Zen JRGCH (D-24588)
(MCH Enchanted Hill Haiku X MCH 4 Fun Willow BEST UDDER)
Dam: Moon Spinner's Fauna Rose (D-31239)
(Cornerstone Farm Nekoda X Sugar Creek's Sally Stella 2*D)
Kamal has progressed beautifully. I could not be happier with him. He has a nice, streamline body, very well proportioned and a great cou clair coloring.
Breeding History:
2012 Kids
1 Doe "C1" - Pari (Blue eyed, wattles, buckskin color)
1 Buckling "C2" - Bella (Blue eyes, white color)
1 Buckling "C3" - Bella (Brown eyes, wattles, cou clair color)
2014 Kids: |
Gibson Farm BJ Cristo (D-61864)
-Brown Eyes-
DOB: 2/28/2012
Sire: HOG Black Jack (D-35130)
(Rosasharn's Sweet William *S X 4 Fun Freckles)
Dam: Ol' Country 38 Mary Elizabeth (D-52172)
(Dill's BH 38 Special *S X Hollyhock Farm Lily)
We are happy to be able to add Cristo to River View Farm's herd, this boy is a very handsome black/white roan buckling. He is extremely level, nice straight legs, long neck. His mom has an amazing udder so we are hoping he will pass that udder onto his offspring. We think he will round out our incredible line-up of boys!
Breeding History:
2013 Kids:
1 Buck, 1 Doe - Bella (4/16/13)
2014 Kids:
River View Farm Cato (D-63849)
-Brown Eyes-
DOB: 4/30/12
Sire: Moon Spinner ZEN Kamal (D-52220)
(Springs Run Haiku's Zen X Moon Spinner's Fauna Rose)
Dam: KeepEmGoing Little Isabella (D-50454)
(Wooly Dog Down Yahoo X Only Kidding RR HopscotchatKEG)
Breeding History
2013 Kids:
1 Doe - Becky (4/21/13)
2014 Kids:
River View Farm Dale (D-69005)
- Brown Eyes-
DOB: 4/16/2013
Sire: Gibson Farm BJ Cristo (D-61864)
(HOG Black Jack X OL'Country 38 Mary Elizabeth)
Dam: KeepEmGoing Little Isabella (D-50454)
(Wooly Dog Down Yahoo X Only Kidding RR HopscotchatKEG)
Pedigree Record
Breeding History: |
1894 Oak Orchard River Road
Waterport, New York 14571
(585) 682-0005 |